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In this section you can read some of the things God has been speaking to us with regard to what He is doing and how He wants us to respond to His moves. 

You are welcome to test these words since all teaching and prophecy must be tested and not blindly accepted. 


Being very visual, God often speaks to us through visions and dreams and when we cannot understand what He is showing us, we seek Him in united prayer and He helps us understand. He also shows us from His Word to help us connect what we were shown and its relevance. 


Please do pray for discernment and may God confirm these things to you by His Spirit at work in you. Also please note, that nothing that is shared here is going to be a replacement for God's Word! What is shared is purely to encourage, build and perhaps correct us collectively. We have recorded them as God impresses us to, not necessarily in chronological order. 


Received on 22nd February 2012

What are the ancient ruins that God is restoring? What are the seven redemptive judgments that He will use to bring this about? What blueprint is He unfolding for this building project? This is what He placed in our hearts during our quiet time with Him. 

Received on 8th February 2012

The world grows darker as the end approaches and we have an enemy who has made the darkness his dwelling place. So how exactly are we to survive these coming days? This is what God taught us through His Word and three object lessons.

Received on 14th May 2010

The Kingdom of God is a lot like a snowflake, not in its fragility but in its structure. This is how God slowly began to teach us about the Two Houses that He is restoring in the end times. 

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