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The logo was given in a vision and we later built upon it. Here is the meaning of the symbols encased in the logo:

The Oak Tree and Its Roots:


We are familiar with the passage in isaiah 61:1-3 which describes God's people as Oaks of Righteousness. But there is much more to the oak than meets the eye. It was beside the Oaks of Mamre that Abraham chose to dwell and it was here that God met him and spoke with him before judgments were delivered over the cities of the plain (Genesis 18). Earlier, in Genesis 13:18 Abraham received assurance at these very oaks, from the Lord that He will fulfill His promises. 


Later on Jacob brought his family to make a stand against the idols in their midst as he buried these items under the oak of Shechem and there they purified themselves before walking to Bethel. It was only after they did this, that the fear of the Lord fell upon all those around them. Joshua of the tribe of Ephraim set up a stone under an oak tree to be a witness of the covenant the people of Israel made to serve the Lord all the days of their life (Joshua 24). 

Oaks are the places of old where teachers gathered and it was the place from which the Water of God's Word flowed forth. The roots that go forth from the oak like many streams also gather back bringing the tree its strength. So in these times, the many movements that went forth in the past will begin to converge and return to their source so the oak will be established in righteousness. 


The Seven Flames:


These are a direct reference to the seven-fold nature of God's Spirit as chronicled in Isaiah 11:2, the seventh being the most we are familiar with i.e. the Holy Spirit. He is in fact the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord. In these days, the Lord will restore the fullness of His Holy Spirit upon His people. 


The Word 'GLOW':


GLOW is the short form for 'Golden Oak Waters'. We believe that the end time people of God will be purified like gold to stand in righteousness before Him. They will glow like the stars (Daniel 12:3) and like the golden lampstand in the Tabernacle which was kept burning. This is the power of their life witness - a people who live what they speak of and testify to, reflecting the Light of Christ to the world around them. 

The Humming Bird:


The smallest of birds, yet a fierce defender of its territory against birds much larger than itself. Its bejeweled colors are the result of iridescence rather than pigmentation, depending on light and moisture. They have voracious appetites in addition to keen eyesight. The Oak is one of many trees they dwell in. Speed and stability, movement while at rest, with the ability to change flight patterns quickly, small, seemingly insignificant... and yes, we love them!

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