One Root . Many Branches . Same Tree
GLOW Ministries International
There is growing thick darkness in the coming days and it is meant for the good of God's people and not for evil. These days of upheavals and shakings worldwide are to prepare the Bride and put God's House in order.
The darkness holds a great armoury for God's people, a storehouse of truths and resources for their needs and the biggest treasure - the people held in darkness who must be set free (Below is a visual lesson from Isaiah 45:3 that we were meditating on).
To thrive in this darkness we'll need:
The eyes of the lion that hunts in the dark by using distant starlight to light up its surroundings. So we too must fix our eyes on the bright Morning Star.
The ears of the bat to pick up the Voice of heaven. For this we must first raise up our voice unto God and He will echo back to our spirit the true image of what lies hidden from our eyes.
The hands of the lover that knows every gentile, intimate touch, nudge, urgent pull and strong holds. So we too must hold His hands and walk with our senses trained by Him.
The darkness has a purpose - it presses around God's people like a deep cloud to destroy them and they begin to huddle together like children who are afraid. But the Lord that very darkness of the age, to gather in His people and forge them as one in unity and to cause the hunted to become the hunters and the hunters to become the hunted.
The key word here is ABIDE (John 15:4). Our enemy is the prince of darkness, his army has made the darkness their dwelling place. However the darkness isn't dark to the eyes of our Lord - He is Light and the darkness cannot overcome Him.
Did you know that our God inhabits the thick darkness? So the enemy really doesn't have a place to run and hide! Just like a laser beam is concentrated light and we cannot look directly into it without damaging our eyes, so also the thick darkness is a place of covering that the evil one cannot search out.Consider these verses and study them:
1 Kings 8:12
Psalms 97:2
Exodus 20:21
Isaiah 45:3
Isaiah 60:2
Psalms 18:9-11
Also the place called the Holy of Holies within the Tabernacle was veiled and there was no light in it except for the glory of God that descended upon the Ark of the Covenant. Do you know where we as believers can find this place of thick darkness where God dwells?
That answer is in Psalms 91:1-4. as we make God our dwelling place and abide in Him, His shadow is the thick darkness into which demon eyes cannot see or search. When we are hidden in the place of His shadow, the enemy can only try to draw us out with temptations and traps but he cannot directly assault us anymore for the shadow of the Almighty Lord of Hosts is too much for his wicked eyes!
The Lord calls the Bride to arise and shine at the very moment darkness covers the earth. This is the call of the hour from Isaiah 60:1-3.